Introducing the Schnell-Hektisch-Graph
It’s that one idea of mine that might be original.
I guess we could translate the term Schnell-Hektisch-Graph. However, it’s one of the concepts German was made for.
Schnell (German) translates to quick or fast. Think of light.
Hektisch (German) describes anything that looks or feels very fast or quick (but probably isn’t). Think of Colonel Decker going round corners in pursuit of the A-Team. Looks spectacular, but c’mon.
Now let’s put these two words on x and y of a graph:
I believe that making a careful distinction between the two is a great argument-winning decision-making tool.
Before doing anything in a rush, take a moment to ask yourself where on the Schnell-Hektisch-Graph your idea is. Resist the urge to display an unnecessary Sense of Urgency. That’s hektisch.
Don’t be “on the Jazz”. You’re at work, not in a TV series.
P.S. Explain your thinking too. You do not want to appear like someone who does not take imminent problems serious. Be empathic with others; it may not that be easy to tell the difference from the outside.
P.P.S. The graph in the picture is the optimistic version. You could go negative – by making a mess that needs cleanup too – and make it a stereotypical 4-quadrant-chart.